Monday, October 18, 2010

7 New Year Tips For Making Money Online

By Steve C Williams

As we are rapidly approaching the New Year, here are a few basic, sensible tips on how YOUR attitude can affect your ability to make money online:

1. Action!
The MOST fundamental thing anyone can do to make money online is to TAKE ACTION. Never mind downloading or buying enough info and data to learn everything BEFORE you actually do anything - you can never learn everything and all you will end up with is Information Overload and you will certainly put yourself off by believing that you have to have ALL of these things in place BEFORE you get up and running. Do NOT procrastinate!

2. Perserverence!
If you are seriously intent on making money online, please take note that over 90% of people who start up an online business fail and never make any money, plus the average time that they last is a maximum of only 6 months - be realistic in your ambition. You may make some instant money but be prepared to invest time and effort over a period of months to hone your business and get established. I firmly believe that there is no such thing as a get rich quick business.

3. Focus!
The next most important thing is, you have got to do one thing (properly) at one time. Don't do bits of this and bits of that and end up doing nothing much at all. Be methodical in your approach and do one thing correctly and totally at one time - then move on to the next thing and do that properly, etc...

4. Learn to use your business tools!
If you are selling information products (the primary product available online) you've got to be able to write convincing copy, i.e. sales pages, squeeze pages, articles, ebooks, reviews, etc... You may be able to outsource these items but your own personal feelings and enthusiasm will go a long way with your Customers. As you will be marketing online, you will also need to have a website (or different websites) so you will either have to learn and understand HTML and possibly FTP, or invest in a web hosting Company that do this for you.

5. Invest in the bare essentials!
You WILL need to have a functioning website (or multiple sites), a method of receiving payments e.g. PayPal or ClickBank account, an autoresponder, e.g. MailChimp, AWeber, etc... These items are the bare essentials but before you sign up to any account, do a bit of research and ensure that they will do what you want them to do.

6. Treat your Customers well!
Remember, the Customer is ALWAYS RIGHT! Treat them well and they WILL spend money on your products. Yes they can be a pain, but if you can give your Customers what they want, give them good value, and treat them as special they will return and continually buy from you. People buy from people, plus you should get the reputation of making your Customers feel as though they are getting one to one personal treatment. N.B. If you've got NO Customers, you've got NO business!

7. Prepare yourself for an email avalanche!
If like me you have subscribed to a lot of newsletters etc.. you will be swamped with 100's of emails everyday, all wanting you to part with your hard-earned cash for the latest, secret method of being an overnight millionaire. It's really tempting to just unsubscribe and delete all of these emails, but seriously, I would take a bit of time to have a quick look at them and organise them in to some sort of order. The plus point is, they will keep you abreast of what is current and what other internet marketers (the opposition) are up to, so keep your subscription up but don't spend too much time on them.

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