Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What Have I Done!

By Julie Holmwood

It has happened to at least half of the people I know; they find a new job, it is so very exciting. They can't wait to start. It is the job of their dreams. Six weeks in, they wonder what on earth they were thinking, they hate it and just want to leave.

Oh my goodness, what to do!

Sit and weigh up the things you don't like. If they are things like 'being new and having to ask someone how to do things umpteen times per day' that is symptomatic of any new job and is a pain barrier you would do well to push through.

If you are receiving some form of abuse, being treated in a way that doesn't honour who you are or you are being treated like some kind of public enemy, that is symptomatic of this job and you could be well-served to get out quick.

From a long-term career perspective everyone is allowed to make at least one mistake . Although it never works in your favour to talk negatively about previous employers, a role that lasted a couple of months, described as a mistake, stating a difference in values as the reason, probably leaves it as enough said.

The career challenges start to arise if you keep moving (unless you are a contractor of course, then that is your job!). If your career history starts to show you as working with one company six months, then the next nine months, the next twelve months, followed by an eight months, you look like a job-hopper and a high-risk candidate.

What do I mean by high-risk? Someone that the company will invest time and money training, only to find that at the point that you should start becoming effective in post (six months on average) is about the time that you resign.

A good length of employment is three years plus. Probably going up to about eight years within one organisation. Too much over eight years and you can find it hard from the other end of the scale as future employers will view you as having been institutionalised. You have met the person that says 'oh, we have always done it that way' on your travels haven't you? That is the institutionalised employee talking and future employers perceive them as hard to train and difficult to integrate, because almost everything is done as a comparison to the way they were used to working.

When you feel that discomfort in a new role know that it is normal. Although we all like to think of ourselves as dealing with change well, the human, by nature is a creature of habit. Remember that it takes six months to settle in to anywhere. If the feelings you are experiencing can be attributed to new job blues then try to push through; because wherever you go you will be the newbie and therefore these emotions will go with you. Finally, just be easy on yourself. You might have imagined a nirvana awaiting you 'on the other side' but for most people that happens later rather than sooner. So just keep your head down, try to absorb as much as you can, keep smiling , be helpful and diligent and before you know it, you will be training the newbie because you are the experienced member of staff!

Are you frustrated by your career success (or lack of it)? Are you really good at what you do but you just can't work out how to get someone to realise? Is it difficult to get taken seriously where you are? Do you just wish you could find your dream job and be happy?

job, jobs, career

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