Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to Ask for a Raise Successfully

By Anna Goco

Even if many feel that they are underpaid, they usually don't do anything about it because they are too scared to ask for more. Just because you ask for raise it doesn't mean that you will end up getting it but if you don't try, then you definitely won't get a raise. This is why it is important that you know how to ask for a raise successfully for you to get the salary you are after. So that you can up your chances, you need to be prepared.

So that you know the right amount to ask for, you need to know your job's worth. You can learn this with discussing it with your peers or with checking the rates with labor organizations. Also check out some online sites so you can compare salaries online. This will give you a better idea on what the market rate is for your job and if your current salary rate is way off market.

You need to be prepared as well with knowing your worth in the company. To be truly successful in getting that raise, you actually need to be deserving of it. Don't expect to get a raise when you just sit around doing nothing all day. Make a list of your achievements and how much profit or clients you have brought into the company. The more you have benefited the company, the more they will see you as an asset, which will definitely be advantageous to you.

Once you are confident with your achievements and know the proper salary increase amount to request for, it becomes all about timing. Consider asking for a raise after you have closed a big deal or finished a major project for the company. This is the best time for you to ask because it will be difficult for your boss to turn your request down especially right after you have accomplished something big for the business.

Remember not to beg for a raise, but rather sell yourself to get that raise you want. Your value to the company is what will give you that raise. Being deep in debt and having a lot of bills is irrelevant to the company and definitely won't have any bearing in getting you that raise. Work your best because it is always your performance that matters.

How to ask for a raise successfully can be done with following this guide. Never hold back when thinking about asking for a raise because you never know if you will get it unless you try.

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