Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Key to Landing a Job - Hard Work

By Tom Arterburn 

With a strong work ethic deeply founded in our American heritage, it isn't surprising that miners are some of the hardest workers in the world given many of their ancestors fled struggling economies, poor living conditions and especially a lack of work to accomplish the American dream via some of the most dangerous and demanding working conditions on the planet.

For many American workers, "work" is the American dream. Unfortunately, however, for a large percentage of our work force, the dream is envisioned as a big win in the lottery, or a favorable decision in a massive lawsuit.

As a résumé writer, it seems increasingly evident, as I talk to job seekers, that many of them have an almost subliminal arrogance regarding their worth in the job market, and the opportunities available to them. What's worse, however, is their lack of career focus.

After interviewing select corporate recruiters representing some of our country's largest and most notable employers, such as AT&T, Hewlett Packard, Norfolk & Southern, GTE and others, I found my hypothesis supported by the folks who rely on college placement offices for much of their entry-level hiring.

No one was placing blame, but almost everyone I talked to agreed that the bulk of recent college graduates and those in their final year, are missing the boat of opportunity on-campus interviews provide, by "going with the flow" of destiny - hoping, rather than working for that ideal job.

"Every college placement office I've ever visited was filled with knowledgeable people and tons of corporate research material, yet time and time again I encounter candidates who know nothing about us (Norfolk & Southern) as a company or the human resource needs we have," said one college recruiter.

This serious problem facing employers and employees might be a reflection of society as a whole, and its vulnerability to the commercialized "feel good" syndrome preached by over-zealous "marketeers." It seems, for the younger generation, and those unfamiliar with the ploys of public relations and advertising, "the land of opportunity" is an end without a means.

Be in the right place at the right time. Sue your neighbor for everything he's got. Talk your way into a good job. Beef up your résumé. Wait for that big break... When did the work ethic drop off the top ten list of ways to succeed? And why isn't the simple premise of being rewarded for the fruit of one's labor explained to more overnight successes like Mike Tyson or M.C. Hammer before their "take" is squandered on impulse and excess.

This humanitarian project could be infinitely debated, but, as job-seekers, you should simply use this societal dilemma to get ahead of the competition. To optimize your chances of success, focus on the ideals corporate recruiters look for most in a new candidate. Focused job goal, sincere interest in the company and exemplified research.

A common misconception on the part of many job-seekers is that employers merely hire. Nothing could be further from the truth, especially when you consider the investment companies make in outplacement firms, testing, interviewing, and recruiting. All of the aforementioned are devoted to ensuring that the absolute best person is hired for the specific job available. Hiring the wrong person, who lacks a good career focus; is only concerned about money; has a poor attitude toward work; or is rebellious regarding authority may not only prove to be unproductive, but may end up costing the employer twice the amount of the person's wages due to worker's compensation

claims, law suits, etc. The best way to downplay these concerns is by:

Researching the field, and the companies you are interested in working for.

Addressing specific capabilities, related to the company, in your résumé.

Tailoring your résumé to a specific field of interest.

Sending potential employers personalized cover letters, which demonstrate your knowledge of the company, the positions they offer and how you can fill the one that's best for you.

Following up by phone or in writing to demonstrate your sincerity.

job, jobs, career

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