Thursday, October 7, 2010

Should You Consider a Career As a Pharmacy Technician

By Ava Connor

Are you interested in a career as a Pharmacy Technician? This can be accomplished in a short amount of time by devoting yourself to education and training. You can graduate with a certificate in six months. Some pharmacists may hire a technician with no education in the field but with the job market of today, the education may be required in order to start as an entry level technician. With the number of unemployed looking for a job, the better your qualifications, the better chance you have to become employed.

There are degrees available that take more time but promise more salary. By completing a degree, such as an associate's degree, your changes of employment are greater. Research online, in class and medical technology schools in your area for accreditation. You will be offered different paths to follow to graduate with a degree.

Some people prefer on-line classes so they can fit their study in with their daily obligations. Others need to attend a class to have a standardized schedule to follow and in person learning. Allow at least two years to graduate with an associate's degree and four years to reach a bachelor's degree. Courses that are interesting will make you knowledgeable and competitive in this field.

Once you receive your certificate or degree, you will be eligible to apply for a rewarding job allowing you to work with patients and other health care professionals. This job is versatile and can be challenging as you will work one on one with customers in a retail setting. You will learn the rules of the employer, how to answer questions of the customers, work with insurance documentation, and have a flexible schedule.

Pharmacy workers must learn how to dispense medication, and become knowledgeable in the uses of various prescription drugs. Applying with a certificate or degree will make you more desirable for hire to a prospective employer. This is a promising career that can be enjoyable and profitable.

job, jobs, career

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