Friday, October 15, 2010

Put Your Dream Job in Your Subconscious and Watch It Happen!

By Jeri Hird Dutcher

We must use affirmations to instruct our subconscious mind to do what we want it to do, according to Napoleon Hill, author of the best-selling business book of all time. Otherwise, we can be overtaken by fear, discouragement, and lack of confidence. More than likely, the fear that causes our confidence to shake and falter is in our subconscious mind. We don't wake up in the morning intending to worry about finding a job, or at least we don't think we do. However, if we have cultivated the habit of dwelling on the things we do NOT want to happen, that is exactly what we are doing.

Think and Grow Your Career, Part 4 of 10

To turn that around, we choose what we want to think and repeat it aloud consciously, intentionally, and with strong emotion. Yes, it may sound funny at first.

For those who remember satirist and now Senator Al Franken's Saturday Night Live character Stuart Smalley in a mock self-help show called "Daily Affirmation With Stuart Smalley," it rings of "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me."

The funnier thing is that it works.

Speaking them aloud makes conscious those negative statements we've been telling ourselves, possibly our whole lives. Rather than saying or even thinking "I'll never get a job in this economy," we can now change the message to "I have a job I enjoy that supports my family well."

Notice that the statement is in the present tense, as if it were already true. That is intentional because that is what our subconscious mind will believe. If we put the statement in the future, "I will have a job I enjoy," for example, it is equally true. Unfortunately, that enjoyable job will always be in the future. Your bills are in the present, so that is where the job needs to be, as well.

Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," the best-selling business book of all time derived from the beliefs and actions of many of the richest and most successful people of the early 20th century and offers eight  steps to success: Over the course of 20 years, Hill interviewed and observed them to find a recipe for success. In the book, he offers eight steps to success:

1. Desire

2. Faith

3. Autosuggestion

4. Knowledge

5. Imagination

6. Organized planning

7. Decision

8. Persistence

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