Everyone works because they need to earn a living but who said work had to be boring? There are plenty of fun careers that you could take on, be it a tour guide, celebrity impersonator or wedding singer. These kinds of jobs can be fun to work on, interesting and generally better paid then your typical paper-pushing role. The word fun has quite a broad definition and it means something different to everyone. So what you have to consider is a few basic categories. When you're off on your holidays and a holiday rep accompanies you all the way from the airport to the bars do you bat an eyelid? Like you they're working for a living but ultimately they're having a hell of a lot of fun doing it.
There are a large number of jobs that can be fun and these roles can often capture your attention more when it is something you do for free on a regular basis. One job that might be perfect for one person may be the next person's worst nightmare so it is everyone's personal opinion on what they would consider, fun or unique. The thing you really need to consider at the end of the day is the pay rate of these jobs. Many fun jobs can be very well paid but the work can often be far and few between - can you really rely on that? Other positions may unfortunately be commission only which does give you the opportunity to earn a lot but at the same time could leave you with a huge hole in your pocket. If you are at all apprehensive about taking on such a role its perhaps something you should reconsider especially if you have a big mortgage or children to look after. At the end of the day it is about doing something you love and getting paid for it, it up to you to decide is the pay worth the effort?
Become the next star event manager
Event management is a very well paid, fun and ever-changing career path. If you love being the center of attention and can manage an event from start to finish event management could possibly be the career for you. The perfect person for the role has to be essentially super organized, focused, deconstructs the different factors involved in putting together a great party and knows how to people please. Your clients will often be very wealthy influential people with a lot of power and the ability to destroy your reputation if something goes wrong. To fall into event managing you often have to work yourself up from the bottom, a few of the job profiles in this industry include:
- Sound coordinator
- Food vendor
- Public relations
- Event security
- Field workers
- Event planners
The person at the heart or organizing a event will above all else need to put themselves on the line and use all the promiscuity they have to make the event the best it could possibly be. Events occur all around the world every single day so ultimately it is very easy to locate a job that is based on organizing a event. All you need to do is look on theatre or music websites and see the advertisements for live events. From time to time such places advertise for planners to help them with the smooth running of the event and that could be your way in. Start small and aim big.
Model like a pro
Modeling is a hugely popular and competitive industry with leading agencies like Storm and Select setting the standard for commercial style models. To succeed in such a backbreaking industry you need to be able to balance rejection, catty comments, hard work and uncertainty against huge highs of securing large contracts, worldwide fame and success. Not everyone is going to be a model, especially if they're below 5'7 and have typical high street looks. However you don't need to be gracing the cat walk to be successful and there are plenty of other options open to you which include adult modeling, art nude modeling, commercial or promotional work.
Initially you should get a portfolio together which you can for a reasonable price, which you can send to chosen agencies. However many leading agencies only ask for a snapshot of you looking natural and if successful they will arrange for any further test shoots. Remember never pay a penny to any agency that may say they would like to give you a contract. No agency would ever sign you without seeing and interviewing you first so to avoid the heartache of a scam stay well clear from such invites.
Paint towards your masterpiece
Many people enjoy doing a bit of painting in their spare time, but the difference between a painter and an artist is immense. There's more to fine art then purely sculpting or painting, you need to be able to create something that can portray a story to a larger audience. There are a large number of fine art degrees that enable you to gain training and education in the visual arts allowing you to apply them in a wider context to a number of different professions. The broad spectrum of categories that fine art divides into includes:
- Painters
- Sculptors
- Illustrators
These categories further divide into sub categories that allow fine arts trainees to work in positions such as animators, fine artists, craft directors or art directors. Competition for any jobs these days is fierce but those in the creative industries are even more so. However those with determination and most vitally talent will go a long way with people recognizing the skill that goes into their designs. If you are always designing things anyway like sculptures, stained glass paintings, woven rugs or other items you are already creating items that people admire and pursuing a career in art jobs will only make you happier.
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